Welcome! This Web-site is called by the personal name above for the benefit of those friends who look for us but do not yet associate us with the organization. Our Organization PRECIOUS SEED MINISTRIES is dedicated to reaching out to the spiritually lost with God's love and salvation as well as aiding the homeless, orphaned and otherwise suffering people. We do this in Mexico and several Central America countries as well as right here in the USA. PSM was established in 1985 by Wyman and Catherine Pylant after establishing numerous ministries in Mexico during previous years. PSM assists in several orphan children's Homes, a Bible College ministerial training Center, and in establishing new churches. We also operate ministries of helps through feeding programs, and building houses for the homeless. We are incorporated in the State of Texas and registered with the Federal Government as a 501-c3 non profit organization. Donations are tax deductible and applied to the needs according to the policies of the Organization and the wishes of the donors. . If you are interested in learning more about any aspect of this ministry please contact us.
~Wyman Pylant, President
~Wyman Pylant, President
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